During the last month since the last post, a Government ‘Road map’ out of the virus has been announced and this has made it clear that my physician exhibition scheduled to take place at Easter at the Riverhouse Barn cannot take place as the dates for galleries opening happens in May. This means that a virtual exhibition is my only option now. I am pleased to have been pursuing both of these options during these uncertain months because it means that the preliminary preparations are well underway. The announcement of the physical exhibition at Riverhouse at Easter had already gone to its subscribers and so I intend to post the virtual exhibition on their platform, hopefully at the same time, so that there is no need for a cancellation. The gallery has agreed to this.

I will be using Kunstmatrix platform to host the exhibition and the curating of this is underway . In preparation for the exhibition at Riverhouse I had made a model of the gallery and designed the placing of the paintings etc. This scale model is forming the foundation of the virtual exhibition even though the interior of the virtual gallery space is different. I personally don’t feel to have the technical skills to construct the virtual exhibition and so I’m using the company who designed my website to carry out the technical side.

The virtual exhibition will consist of the following:

  • Up to 20 paintings
  • My poetry will form the link throughout and I’ve selected pieces to be placed next to each painting. These pieces of writing do not necessarily explain the painting – they form an ongoing dialogue with the space, with memory and with the garden which was the inspiration for the work.
  • A written Background to the body of work to explain where the paintings have come from in my search for identity and place.
  • A written Introducion
  • A glimpse of my garden through photos and hopefully sounds of nature

All of this is complete and now needs to be posted on the Kunstmatrix platform.


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