PART 1 – STUDIO WORK – sound and memory

PART 1 – studio work

Link to memory

Thoughout this course of study and in particular during the research and forensic analysis of my work which went into the critical essay writing, I find that ‘memory’ keeps playing a major part in my painting. This happens without any planning. The above image is an example…

I was working with the robin’s song which is so dominant in the garden at the moment. The sound is strong, piercing, robust, cheeky and, in my opinion,  without equal and I was working with the wire and painted muslin to try to capture my response to this…

Following these experiments, I began to paint on a piece of washi paper and the image at the beginning of this post emerged. While I was painting I was listening to a couple of disks of music about birdsound. But it was as if the birdsounds took me to a sonic landscape which in this case was a landscape of memory. This painting is an intuitive painting and I haven’t taken it to a deeper level  because in a way it has done its job. It has taken me back to previous thinking about memory and the link with sound.

The painting is significant for me in my present investigations and experiments to respond to sound. The obvious method is to respond with line and usually horizontal line and I’ve done a lot of work with this.

But I’m searching for something other than the obvious. See previous posts with examples of experiments with wire. I’m looking for a more personal response to sound so that it is not the pattern of the sound which is represented but the internalised connection. I think the image at the start of the post begins to suggest this.

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