ASSIGNMENT 5 Future work

Following 12 years of study painting with the OCA, I am looking to see where the next step is in my practice as an artist. This is not clear and so I am picking up threads from previous explorations while ideas begin to settle into anything concrete. I feel it is important that there is some kind of a focus for exhibiting and so I’m in contact with The Riverhouse Barn to book a physical exhibition for 2022. No date has been booked yet.

I am continuing to develop the website with new work. One strand that is ongoing are the’ Little Books ‘. These allow me to explore new ideas at the same time as continuing with experimenting with previous medium. I enjoy the small format which enables me to have it with me as I go about the daily course of things.

Two books are on the go at the moment:

One is the completion of work I began a month or so ago combining poetry with wire work in the form of a small book. The title of the book is ‘Before the Mowing” and was started last autumn when we mowed our wildlife meadow.

Before the mowing…

Long swaying lines



Still resilient, still reaching –

White against green.

The dance comes to life

To the sighing of the wind



A last protest of line and rhythm.

A final bow… .

 silence, there is such peace

 Life continuing

Tomorrow they will be gone

But already there is a returning in the meadow-

Never ending promise

Silence, stillness and immense knowing

The gentleness of Spirit!


Unfortunately it is not easy tp photograph . It is a handmade little book  and I have used cut up news print for the words. News print seemed to me to echo the destruction of something which has once provided interest and new ideas. The wire strands are beautiful and catch every reflection of light…so joyous and full of the dance!

The second small book is one I keep with me constantly to record thoughts and images…

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