PART 1-STUDIO WORK …dawn chorus

In searching for the expression of my response to bird sound, I have been taking advantage of the time of year to catch the dawn chorus. The first time I got up at 5.15 am to draw and found that by that time the main event was virtually finished. Standing in the garden at that hour however is a very special experience, when the earth is still and the birds have the airwaves to themselves. The sound fills the air, with muffled chattering. On this first occasion I simply used pencil and charcoal but once again it was difficult to get beyond line and texture.

On the second occasion I was in the garden at 4.30 am and certainly the opening chorus of the day was underway. This time I was ready to use colour to explore a new and different response. These sketchbook experiments are in the early stages but I felt to be getting to a different stage in the work. The work now seems to focused on being a part of the presence of the sound and not simply listening to it.

Continuing to work on these studies in the studio listening to the dawn chorus recorded on the phone and I think I’m getting closer to the sound experience and not simply illustrating.

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