Soundscape and memory

Sound can be a highly emotional thing! In my explorations I am finding that ‘listening’ is a quality of life more than just one of the senses.

This piece done in wire and painted muslin followed the previous work and began as an abstraction of the process of listening to the robin in the garden. The colours, the sounds and the pure joy of his presence is something to be recorded. But the more I worked on it, the more colours and sounds of Australia began to appear and I realised the close connection between sound and memory. This was confirmed when I began to paint a watercolour immediately following this wire drawing…

I love the colour which is happening here but more than that, I am fascinated with this exploration into sound and where it can lead, not always where you expect. This image is painted on washi paper with watercolour and so it has a special quality. The image is spontaneous and I’ve not made any attempt to work it in any way. It is simply the sound of memory…

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